“…entry point into an emotional landscape.”
“…photograph is just a vehicle to then deal with those subjects that I want…”
Matthew Krishanu on “A Brush with…”
“…entry point into an emotional landscape.”
“…photograph is just a vehicle to then deal with those subjects that I want…”
Matthew Krishanu on “A Brush with…”
“Give an image the benefit of the doubt… there is a danger in certainty.”
William Kentridge.
“Cherish your own emotions and never under value them”
Robert Henri
“I think using a limited palette gives you more freedom.”
“The artist has to put before the eyes of the public forms and poses which has existed previously in the darkness and confusion of an irrational mind, or one which is beset by uncontrolled passion.”
“Violence will always be a part of the human experience.”
Mary Beard
“An archive of emotions”
Dr. Kate McLean
Ovid’s ‘Metamorphoses’ - The ethics of looking.
Not sure if attempting “The Ferryman” on this scale is the right move.
The falling boy: “Full of Grace”.
“If your art doesn’t reflect your family and community then what’s the point?”
Dale Harding - Tateshots
Happy anniversary JG!
Never rains but it pours! Buckets needed.
Very funny search for a protractor.
Eventually got to painting after helping with a birdbox.
Should have been “Confessional” exhibition’s natural end.
Such a battle with “Inside Man” at the minute. Struggling with that balance of realistic approach and the drawing mark.
It’s been a while: “I AM NOT A REALIST PAINTER!”
Not overly happy with the finality of “Inside Man” but best to finish up now before I properly overcook it.
All but finished another painting. It’s very strange times indeed.
Six hours and I’m pretty much no further forward than when I started. Going to have to take a completely different route to accomplish this. It would help if I had a goal in mind. Detailed vs Out of Focus. In between? Trying to tackle the green slab all at once isn’t working.
Little talk with VAI’s online café went well with really nice feedback on work in progress and the studio set up.
Need to box up and send off!
Reset. Breathe.
Looking. So important. Doesn’t mean you can’t allow for spontaneity or randomness in the process.
“Ferryman” is finished!
A cartwheel with no floor. CT Scans reveal right-sided skull vault fracture and subdural haematoma. Off to Royal Victoria Hospital.
Out of hospital. Time to start recovery process.
A while back I had the pleasure of chatting to Jade Riley, a writer and photographer, who has since written the following little piece about my practice. Be sure to check out Jade’s other writings on her site.
Thank you Jade.
… good job I checked…
Sketching today but no joy. How to move past this?
A good tidy up in the studio. “H” going well.
Helping Jan with some wire-wool spinning experiments.
Recording today and some solid sketchbook time. It’s so important. It is where ideas form and lay roots.
“Long years of secrecy have turned their faces into masks.” - not sure where I heard this from.
“Helen” finished up.
Consciously hold back images.
What am I doing?
“Real painters understand with a brush in their hand.”
Need to try and make one little hour of creative work each weekday.
What a difference a boiler makes!
Blocked out “Bereft Clown”.
Found an ogham poster on North Street with an interesting translation.
Vault studios is amazing - especially EMIC’s studio space!
…text to coincide with next solo show…
Studio work today. Thought I was close to finishing ‘confessional’ but it might be further away than I imagined.
“You make a mistake when you explain the paintings through the war.”
Mark Stevens - on Bacon’s “Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion”
Several shooting stars.
Probably the most difficult thing I’ve ever had to do. Childhood hero reduced. It's a real jolt to the system.
Trauma doesn’t discriminate. It’s so subjective that it can defy explanation or description. Nightmarish.
Need to learn to keep some things to yourself.
See it through. Stay strong and keep head up.
Panic attack today.
You never fully appreciate someone until its too late. A true legend that has shaped so many. Time with family is so important.
Resolutions < Revolutions
Thought I had a good night’s sleep but my body is telling me different. Need to draw more again.
Getting lost in thought about art is a joy. It’s like taking a mini vacation.
Some sketchbook work. Not much but it’s a start.
Look more before putting pen to paper. This is not to say to lose the immediacy during the act of drawing but to take a breath to absorb and examine what an image has to offer.
Finished “Confessional”. Maybe when the mind is distracted slightly it makes studio work more of an automated response? Decisions were made and action was taken.
Not saying having a completely distracted head-space works. Far from it. I’ve been there plenty of times and it’s disastrous. No. It’s more a case of - you’re in the studio and you have a clear(ish) idea of where the work will go so you follow that. The decision making dilemma is lessened due to the preoccupation of other matters going on upstairs.
A bit of work done to “Bereft Clown before clearing the palette and studio up for another year.
… all but done…
Do I need a foreign colour? “Afore the Stoop” went in a slightly different direction than first thought. I think I had that quote by Helen Johnson still ringing in my ears about imagery possessing different surface qualities and being on different registers on the same picture plane.
The buzzard is still; hovering overhead while the still-life is in flux. Melting in on itself. To not just merge separate imagery on the one canvas but to treat them differently via technique. I’ve done this regularly in the past but never to this extent before and definitely not on this scale. There’s loads going on: blocked areas, melting, washes and burning/corroding of the surface for texture.
“Confessional” is a different beast altogether. It’s going to be a slower process - building up washes of colour, drawing elements back in followed by more washes until it comes to an end or a crossroads. So far so good. It’s not really a colliding of images. It’s the notion of what a negative of a pattern could do to another image.
Refreshing to see organisations opening doors. The model is being altered.
Kept hearing the shrieking of a buzzard every time I went to work on “Afore the Stoop”. When I looked it was perched on top of the tallest tree at the end of the lane and then glided off.
Some sketchbook work. Not a lot of time but that’s my fault.
For studio work: cautious steps or daring leaps? Annoyingly close to finishing “ATS”.
Submission writing hurts my head.
Films to watch:
Finished “ATS”. Still bits that annoy but for the sake of not destroying it entirely, I don’t mind the imperfections.
Help has been indispensable.
Still waiting on magazine.
Egon Shiele Documentary - transcending the idea of the body as beauty.
Belfast bound for curator talks but looking forward to visiting some galleries first.
Work is being used as an example to show other artists about finding your own voice. Chuffed.
…someone has been keeping an eye on my progress and that is something!
Another trip to Belfast for more galleries and then a Speed Curating event.
It has been a hectic but brilliant few days. Yesterday I called into Platform to see Gerard Carson’s “Submersible Extractions” and a solo show by Dryden Wilson. I followed this up by a quick look at the Barbara Hammer exhibition and Patrick Colhoun’s project space work in the Golden Thread Gallery. Then it was time for the speed curating event at Belfast Exposed.
… do research. What artists i admire….
…Strange. Nothing negative. Just nothing.
A lot of information. A real painter?
“In Defence of Representation” essay by Tristan Garcia.
In western philosophy the representational object is either a copy, a sign or a duplex.
“… according to the semiotic model, there is no representation without signification, that is to say without interpretation.” - Tristan Garcia
“Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema” - Screen (1973)
“The Victim” - Saul Bellow
Tried sketchbook work - failed miserably.
Projection onto fog screen.
Line of connection between viewer and work - GO’H
Ask the question: what do you see?
Yesterday I eventually got painting around lunchtime - back and forth with ‘Confessional’ but progress made. Great talk with GO’H about ‘the gaze’.
Leaf blowing.
Need to select paintings for Framewerk Christmas show.
“The Trouble with Painting” - ICA (YouTube)
“What you’re interested in in the world will feed back into what you are interested in as an artist.” - Alison Pilkington
…speaking about dreams, a quote from Alison Pilkington’s drawing seminar from the RHA really stuck out. I’m paraphrasing here but the guts of it is this: talking to people about why you make the work you do (or about your inspirations for that matter) is like talking to people about your dreams. People aren’t overly interested when someone else describes a dream. It’s subjective and personal and it’s all but impossible to get the experience across properly.
A difficult few weeks to come.
… of interest. Attainable small steps to reach big goals.
Delivery mix up.
Booked VAI speed curating slots for November.
…LA… fingers crossed!
Experiment in the studio with a degree of success. When a fine layer of fixative is lit on the paintings surface, areas of the canvas that are predominantly charcoal or thin layers of colour are singed and blister - creating an interesting effect. Safety first though.
Jan is right —> the lighter background to “Pioneer” was more unsettling. Rectify.
Staring at “Pioneer”. I think I’m hesitant because its… I don’t know. I think the colours are too similar between light and shade. By the same token - you don’t want it to become too contrasting and cartoonish. A foreign colour introduced into the third panel may point a direction.
Flying by the seat of pants but you can’t control the spontaneous. Some detailed work today. It is getting there. Attention directed towards other matters.
… paintings and clusters of drawings - like a shotgun spread of memories. Jumbled - linked yet conflicting. Fighting for dominance.
Just realised a connection between “AMATGS” and the ivy crown. Oedipus plays would have been played during the festival of Dionysus - who is associated with a crown of ivy.
“ I gave myself permission to follow my voice and that’s what my whole career has been. I still give myself permission and no compromise. I compromised before but not when I became an artist.” Mark Bradford
“Into The Void Magazine” submission successful!
Sketchbook work and now watching the original ‘Suspiria’ for the first time.
Notes finished for presentation. Pleased with burning effect on triptych.
… was suggested something on Friday. Well it was more of a dialogue regarding “Pioneer”; the first and last sections work. They’re strong but the one that should be the strongest and the anchor, the middle piece is way behind. Changing from a triptych to a diptych? Leave it for a while - continue working on all three before abandoning the middle piece.
Using ash as a painting/drawing medium. Religious links? Why do ideas come in the final minutes of the day? Processing process.
On way to Dublin. Looking forward to talking about work in DLR Lexicon. Not nervous. Yet.
Just saw the most beautiful fox casually strolling across a field outside Armagh.
I’ve been skirting around issues. The ‘recall’ notion might be worth exploring again. Drawing. Painting. Video. Audio.
The DLR Lexicon is stunning. Really enjoyed the other talks - especially work of Cecilia Bullo.
Yesterday’s trip and talks were great. Just wish I had more time to go around some of Dublin’s galleries when I was down. Decided it was best to drop the middle canvas in “Pioneer Studies”. Finished the other two pieces and happy with the results.
A little tweaking to “Afore the Stoop”.
Dad suffered a bleeding eye following his operation.
Have been neglecting practice and methods during the week. Ards - it seems a long way off but it will fly in.
Keeping your finger on the pulse is no bad thing.
Personal history is a source - not the explanation. ‘imagine…’ with Tracey Emin on iPlayer was insightful. Have a new found respect for Emin’s practice and quite like a few of some of her new paintings.
No paints were used today but three canvases were started. The smallest piece - I don’t think will have legs. As a drawing it is strong but I feel it won’t work on canvas. I’ve drawn up “Bereft Clown” again - a different size to the previous square stretcher. Will see how it goes. The third canvas is the one I’m most excited about. It’s a merging of two images but in a slightly different way. First is an image of a German officer stationed in a concentration camp. The other is a negative of a confession screen. The idea is to project light through the lattice onto the portrait. Fright Night in the jungle was great fun!
Slept so much. Slow progress but progress nonetheless.
Spacing error.
“I’m really interested in creating moments of ‘push and pull’ in paintings and having different registers of imagery with different surface qualities - so one thing might be compositionally in the foreground but materially might be being subsumed by whats behind it.” Helen Johnson