“…entry point into an emotional landscape.”
“…photograph is just a vehicle to then deal with those subjects that I want…”
Matthew Krishanu on “A Brush with…”
reflective diary post
“…entry point into an emotional landscape.”
“…photograph is just a vehicle to then deal with those subjects that I want…”
Matthew Krishanu on “A Brush with…”
“You know in the back of your own mind if criticism holds any merit for yourself.”
“Give an image the benefit of the doubt… there is a danger in certainty.”
William Kentridge.
“Cherish your own emotions and never under value them”
Robert Henri
“I think using a limited palette gives you more freedom.”
“The artist has to put before the eyes of the public forms and poses which has existed previously in the darkness and confusion of an irrational mind, or one which is beset by uncontrolled passion.”
“Distill expression down to it’s pourest form.”
Patrick Graham
“Violence will always be a part of the human experience.”
Mary Beard
The Chameleon lays in wait,
Knuckles pressed white on the oak armrests.
There you’ll find an empty place at the table.
Under the fire’s amber glow,
Home is where the hearth is.
“The impulse to discover and re-contextualise rather than to generate a picture reintroduces questions of intention. Why did they pick that? What did they do to it? To what end?”
“Portraiture exposes the gap between the interior and exterior selves.”